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Malaysia 23 Aug - 25 Aug 2024
Thailand 17 Oct - 20 Oct 2024

Online 15 Oct 2024
Singapore 19-20, 22-24 Nov 2024


The International Arts Festival (IAF) is organised by the Singapore Dance Alliance (a non-profit organization) and is open to dancers of all nationalities ages 5 and above. The IAF includes categories of classical ballet, contemporary dance, cultural dance, jazz/lyric and any genre categories, for solo, duo, trio, ensemble and group. 

Online Competition Video Filming:

  • Only 1 round of filming is required.

  • Videos should have clear sound and image quality. 

  • The video should be in one single take, with full-body view at all times, preferable from the centre front of the studio. Where centre front view is not possible, videos may be taken from either the front corner of the studio or through the reflection of the mirror.

  • Competitors are required to dance in costume.

  • Video of previous stage performances and those bearing logos of other events are not accepted. 

Submission of videos

  • IAF will be sending a dropbox link where competitors will be required to submit their videos in a '.MP4' format.

  • Video resolution: 1080p, not exceeding 500 MB.

  • The video file should be labelled as your competitor number.

  • Video submission date is 5 September 2024.

  • Competitors participating in multiple segments are required to submit each video file separately.

  • Once the footage has been received, it will be scored by IAF judges.

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